Review Framework

The REVIEW framework comprises a set of suggestions and associated guidance. It is designed to help mentors and colleagues give you feedback about your performance and teaching in a constructive and helpful way.

Stages Comments Sample Statements/Questions
R: Reassure and Re-integrate Reassure without letting APT know your thoughts; even if they know you thought some teaching was effective they still have to work out what! Thank you. There was some really effective work there…
E: Establish focus on Objectives Personal goals may be relevant at the start of the programme; as teacher grows, focus must fall on pupil learning. + What did you want to achieve yourself? + What was your personal goal? + What did you want the group to learn?
V: Visit through Questions Get APT to think about importance of lesson plan to success or otherwise of lesson Link questions to specific Q Standards, particularly those that were a focus of the lesson and part of the RPT’s targets OR depending on the RPT a much more open ended approach can be used and they can set the agenda. Note strength of answers - assessment
  • In trying to achieve your outcomes how helpful was your lesson plan?
  • What went well with regard to....?
  • What else went well?
  • What about... how did that go?
  • If you had the opportunity to do it again:
  • What would you do differently?
  • What didn’t go to plan?
  • What were you less happy about?
I: Input – your own Contribution If the APT has run out of ideas (frustrated at questioning) move to more direct ‘leading’ (telling).
  • What about...?
  • What else...?
  • How else...?
  • How could that have been achieved?
E: Emphasise and Summarise key points raised Lots of useful points there – Let me try to summarise them for you…… (briefly pick out the key issues)
W: “What have you learnt?” / “What will you now do?” Ask the APT the questions and try to nail precisely what they will do with what they have learnt to take them forward in the next lesson.

Source: England RFU coaching, with additional material from University of Reading

Note: Much of this content is taken straight from the Reading University MOG and, as such, is governed by their copyright and IPR. Please see the official document for more information.

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