10 Nov 2016ROLE OF THE ITTCo
An ITTCo will typically be a senior member of staff with subject expertise in the area they are overseeing. They will have a lead role in the following:
Participating in the selection and interview process of trainees in their school
Moderating subject mentor’s assessments of trainees against the Teachers’ Standards through observing trainees teaching & subject mentors mentoring
Monitoring trainees’ progress at fixed points in the assessment cycle
Counselling trainees and becoming involved in setting targets where trainees are identified as needing additional support
Liaising with the SCITT and supplying information in the event of a trainee de-selection process or dismissal
Contributing as appropriate to the core QTS and subject-based sessions
Attend termly meeting with Programme Leaders and Subject Mentors.
Overseeing the submission of reports and assignments.
Acting as a point of communication with the SCITT Team to ensure and provide evidence that the partner school is meeting its operational remit as set out in the SCITT Partnership Agreement
Confirming the training places to be offered annually, organising selection & interviews in compliance with current ITT entry criteria as outlined by NCTL
Ensuring that the training for each trainee in their partnership school is appropriate to meet the needs of the trainee and the requirements for QTS
Contributing to the Core QTS / subject-specific programmes both through delivery of sessions in their own area of expertise and through facilitating school-based sessions run by others in their school
Carrying out a QA role both within their school in terms of the role of ST/VTs, including support for new mentors
Moderating judgments of mentors and VTs at fixed points of the assessment cycle
Updating Senior Staff/Head about ITT in general and trainee progress specifically
Support SMs and trainees in making arrangements for second school placements
Ensure that all trainees in their school are ready for final assessment with all required documentation and the portfolio of evidence in place.
To introduce trainees to the ethos and working procedures of the school and to key members of staff.
To provide training for trainees on safeguarding and on the relevant school policies.
To arrange for each trainee to be attached to a form group and work alongside the form tutor.
To observe each trainee at work with either a form group or subject group and give written feedback on the session.
To attend SCITT training sessions and briefing sessions in order to share ideas and be updated on programme developments. A ‘stand in’ should be sent in cases of unavoidable absence (Schools are funded to release ITT Co-ordinators for 3 half-day Partnership Development and Training sessions each year.)
To ensure that the school is represented at each of the relevant Subject Mentor Development and Training sessions throughout the year. (Schools are funded to release Subject Mentors for 4 half-days each year. When the nominated Mentor is unable to attend, every effort should be made to send a representative in their place).
To liaise with the SCITT Professional Tutor in monitoring progress of NQTs and RQTs